What are the class days, times, and pricing for the 2025-26 school year?
Tuesday/Thursday classes (for students who turn 3 before September 1st)
Morning classes
Session 1: 3-year-old; TuTh 9:00-11:30 a.m; Miss Sue; $275/month
Session 2: 3-year-old; TuTh 9:15-11:45 a.m; Miss Emily, Owner/Director; $275/month
Session 3: 3-year-old; TuTh 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m; Miss Jolene; $275/month
Afternoon class
Session 4: 3-year-old; TuTh 12:15-2:45 p.m; Miss Emily, Owner/Director; $275/month
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Classes (for students who turn 4 before September 1st)
Morning classes
Session 5: 4-year-old; MWF extended 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m; Miss Emily, Owner/Director; $475/month
Session 6: 4-year-old; MWF 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.; Miss Jolene; $420/month
Session 7: 4-year-old; MWF 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m; Miss Sue; $420/month
Afternoon classes
Session 8: 4-year-old; MWF 12:30-3:30 p.m; Miss Emily; $420/month
Session 9: 4-year-old; MWF 12:30-3:30 p.m; Miss Jolene; $420/month
Session 10: 4-year-old; M-F Kindergarten Class; By Invitation Only; 12:15-3:45 p.m.; Miss Janae; $750/month
What is the school year calendar for 2024-2025?
What is the student/teacher ratio at Super Start School?
Each Super Start School 3- and 4-year-old class session maintains a 1:9 teacher/student ratio.
Do students participate in field trips?
No. Due to liability issues, field trips are not offered. However, occasional speakers are brought to Super Start. Students do not leave Super Start School during class time.
Do students have a set recess time?
No. However, Super Start School has a Movement Activity room where students are given opportunities to move and develop gross motor skills with the help of bean bags, rhythm sticks, jump ropes, hopping sacks, parachutes, instruments and other teaching aides. In addition, students transition many times during class at a pace that is developmentally appropriate.
Does Super Start School have a reading program?
Yes. Super Start School offers a reading program to all four-year-old session students. This is a voluntary program students and parents can participate in by taking home reading books. Students check off home reading books at school and are rewarded for their effort by earning and spending reading coins at our school reading store.
Are there performances or school programs presented to parents by the students?
Yes. Four-year-old class sessions present graduation programs at the end of the school year and participate in graduation commencement ceremonies. These programs consist of songs, chants, and speaking parts.
Do I have to provide supplies for my child from home?
No. All activities and school supplies are provided by Super Start School.
Do students participate in any formal testing or grading?
Students' growth is tracked at the beginning, middle, and end of year. Student assessments are kept in portfolio books that are brought home at the end of the year. These assessments are an attempt to show what students “know,” not what they “don’t know.” Each child develops independently, as does his or her progress in school.
What if my child has a food allergy?
Each year Super Start School’s enrollment of students with allergies increases. All teachers are aware of student allergies and students with special needs. In addition, any snacks used at school have labels that have been read and approved with consideration of students who have allergies.